Why You Should Use the Scoreboards.net Scoreboard Widget and not a Proprietary Gadget

In the world of the internet there is an eternal evolution of terms, buzzwords and changes. One of the most popular in the last number of years has been the use of ‘widgets’ as well as ‘gadgets’. It’s often a challenge to try to keep up on these terms, but in the world of widgets and gadgets there are distinct differences between the two that can make your life easier.
A ‘gadget’ is typically designed by a company and is considered proprietary. In other words, you can use the gadget but only on that company’s sponsored websites or pages. A ‘widget’ is designed to be easily used on any website.
If you are looking to create a sport scoreboard widget for your favorite team, then you look no further. Scoreboards.net offers an easy to use and automatically configured code for your scoreboard widget, customized for your favorite teams and colors and are available for soccer, baseball, basketball, football and hockey.
With the Scoreboards.net widget you can easily add your favorite team scores as well as the team schedules. The best part about this is, you don’t have to be an expert in web design. We do all of the hard work for you. You simply go to the page and select the sports game type. This will bring up the selection of teams. Each team is represented by their team logo. Click on the team logo and select the horizontal or vertical view that you will want on your site. As soon as you hit ‘Get Widget HTML Code’ you will get a screen that gives you the code. Simply copy-and-paste into your website and you are done. How easy is that?
The team scores and schedules widget is another way that Scoreboards.net brings convenience and support to our many customers and fans. You can have multiple widgets on your website, so that everyone can follow their favorite sport. The widgets are great for any sport website. You can look and act like a professional site, without all of the hassles of trying to create and maintain your own. The best part is that this is absolutely free!
Sports fans are some of the most loyal around and Scoreboards.net is proud to bring an easy to use widget for everyone to have access to and use. Your website can have a professional look with the kind of scoreboard your followers will absolutely love, and you can be the webmaster star with very little time or effort.
If you do have more in-depth experience, you can adjust the code to fit your needs. This isn’t necessary if you are a beginner or don’t feel comfortable with changing the code. We have already done the work for you and you can be a star with just a simple copy-and-paste.
Scoreboards.net is renowned for our scoreboard products and services and the widget service is just part of our continued efforts to make your sports experience the very best possible. You can be confident that we will can bring you continued excellence for everything related to the topic of sports. Look to Scoreboards.net for the best in information, articles, resources and scoreboards for your school and team.