In a soccer scoreboards feature, I have found out who the four fastest players are to have played in the 2010 World Cup.
The World cup last year was riddled with unexpected outcomes; the favorite teams failed to get past even the initial round (France and Italy) while, the underdogs (Netherlands) went on to the finals. This era’s soccer is all about speed; the speed at which the player can hit the ball, the speed at which he can run, the swiftness with which he can maneuver the ball, and last year’s World Cup was no different.

Soccer might have some great players, but it also has some bigheaded ones too! Some of the greats are hated by fans. They are disliked due to their attitude on or off the field, in particular due to their attitude to the fans. Fans quickly grow to hate them for two reasons, firstly for not performing and secondly for their behavior. So who are the most hated? Which players have egos bigger than their (already huge) wallets?! Here is the soccer scoreboards list of the top 3 most arrogant soccer players:
Soccer proved to be the only sport that wasn’t affected by the economic downturn, and in fact various clubs showed a growth in revenues. Real Madrid earned a record revenue of €401.4 million. The clubs fought hard to earn more and more, with English clubs facing problems to keep up with other clubs as the euro and pound fell 11% and 17% respectively as compared to dollar during the period June 2008 to June 2009. Here we take a look at the soccer scoreboards top 5 richest soccer clubs in the World today.