Moutonborough, New Hampshire has set a precedent for accountability. Their attitude is that they want both students and local citizens to participate in fundraisers to accomplish the goals they set. The New Hampshire residents are not looking to State or Federal assistance, but, are continuing the kind of grassroots responsibility that the people of the state are known for. This positive attitude includes their goal to get an electronic scoreboard for the Moultonborough Middle School.
The RAB (Recreation Advisory Board) in Moultonborough have some incredibly lofty goals. It might be said that if anyone can reach these goals, the people of Moultonborough can. Moultonborough has previously instituted fundraisers in other areas such as library and chemical free proms. The electronic scoreboard that is being proposed would cover a variety of sports at the middle school, including baseball, soccer and basketball.

A thriving and bustling city just north of the nation’s capital, Silver Spring was literally named after the glittering silver of mica in a fresh water spring. The convenience of the location, combined with natural beauty has continued to carry the town to a level of both financial and political success today. The town’s love of sports is exemplified in every day life through their intense youth organizations and camps that focus on football, baseball, soccer and rugby. Pretty much everywhere you look there are games and scoreboards for this varied sports city.
Francis Blair along with Elizabeth, his daughter, found the spring in a tucked away area. It was glittering with natural mica, a mineral that flakes easily, and became the mesmerizing view that affected their decision to establish a settlement. Three families in total built mansions and homes in the area and successive generations became many contributing members of politics and high government positions.
Lafayette Louisiana is the center for Cajun and Creole. The influences of this city have changed much of the culture and cuisine of the entire country. This is a part of the U.S. that is proud of its history and has roots deeply embedded in the city that they love and this is exemplified in their love of their university sports teams. Sports fans will argue which is tops: basketball, soccer, ice hockey or football; but the stadiums seem to be filled, no matter what the sport.
The original inhabitants of the area now designated as Lafayette included a number of Native American tribes. The records show that there wasn’t the influx of Europeans to this area as in other parts of the country. However, by around 1765, there was a larger group of Acadians that arrived to New Orleans from Nova Scotia. The local lands were then governed by Spanish and French, and the officials offered expanses of land to the new arrivals in the Lafayette area.

In a soccer scoreboards feature, we take a look at the best clubs in Europe at the moment.
Soccer is the most played and watched sport in the world. The European leagues are generally considered the best, and they attract the most coverted players, particularly the Spanish and English leagues. The top five soccer clubs in Europe are as follows: