For the first time in history, the higher tech electronic scoreboards are offering the ability to create whatever look and feel you need for every event. The digital technology combined with the intense color sections and graphics have an incredible flexibility. Every event has a unique look and feel and the scoreboard design should reflect the need. With a little background, you can even take this high quality visual and create a standard sports scoreboard look.
The importance of the electronic scoreboard has increased exponentially over the last ten years. Most fans of any sports venue now use the scoreboard as part of the continuation of the game. We view the board for information on our teams, but also for additional information, streaming video, ad hoc play-by-play. Most of us are accustomed to viewing the scores in a digital view, with each team on its corresponding side of the board. The board is part of the story of the game and we, as fans, look to the scoreboard for the information we need. Today’s technology in electronic scoreboards can offer the same type of standard view and be customized to the attending team colors.