Silver Spring, Maryland: The Spring of Flowing Silver

A thriving and bustling city just north of the nation’s capital, Silver Spring was literally named after the glittering silver of mica in a fresh water spring. The convenience of the location, combined with natural beauty has continued to carry the town to a level of both financial and political success today. The town’s love of sports is exemplified in every day life through their intense youth organizations and camps that focus on football, baseball, soccer and rugby. Pretty much everywhere you look there are games and scoreboards for this varied sports city.
Francis Blair along with Elizabeth, his daughter, found the spring in a tucked away area. It was glittering with natural mica, a mineral that flakes easily, and became the mesmerizing view that affected their decision to establish a settlement. Three families in total built mansions and homes in the area and successive generations became many contributing members of politics and high government positions.
When the Civil War broke out, it was not uncommon to see Pres. Abraham Lincoln in attendance at the Blair home for a solitary moment of reprieve. The area did experience a momentary occupation by Confederate soldiers, but they fled quickly. Post war offered a period of success for the now growing town with the introduction of the railroad. As with many cities, the railroad became the connection, communication and main artery for the exchange of supplies and products.
There must be something about the area of Silver Spring, because the generations that followed stayed in the locale and seemed to be more enlightened and innovative. The influence of the Lee Family, one of the founding families, continued to produce members that established a development company that began the plans that would eventually become what is known as Silver Spring today.
The twentieth century introduced Silver Spring as the home to many of the largest retail names that stand today. The added enticement as a corporate headquarters also included the building of additional schools, museums, theatres, art galleries and universities. With later growth, came the interstate to accommodate the now increasing automotive traffic. Silver Spring became a coveted area to live in and blossomed with suburban sprawl. These enhancements added to the local community’s sports fever, as so many attend the games of their favorite teams. The summer camps for youth sports training are usually filled and the games are often packed and the scoreboards lit with colorful lights as fans cheer with enthusiasm. There is a controversy as to what the favorite sport in the area is: soccer, football, baseball or rugby.
By the time the twenty first century began to approach, it was time to revitalize the area. The refurbishing project was designed to maintain the incredible history of Silver Spring while drawing in the latest restaurants, technology and the cuisines of its now varied culture. The renaissance of the area increased the viability of both the people and the city with everything it had to offer and its close location to Washington, D.C.
Music and the arts became a focus in the now upscale area, with clubs featuring jazz and blues. Festivals celebrating both music and the arts are held throughout Silver Spring with many renowned artists having called Silver Spring their home.
Knowledge and learning is held in the same high regard as the area’s love of their sports teams. The local games of football, baseball, rugby and swimming always have high attendance and support their teams almost unconditionally.
It may now be considered a large city of substance, but there is an air of community that is instilled in every member. It is ironic that it all started with a little spring of flowing silver.