Soccer proved to be the only sport that wasn’t affected by the economic downturn, and in fact various clubs showed a growth in revenues. Real Madrid earned a record revenue of €401.4 million. The clubs fought hard to earn more and more, with English clubs facing problems to keep up with other clubs as the euro and pound fell 11% and 17% respectively as compared to dollar during the period June 2008 to June 2009. Here we take a look at the soccer scoreboards top 5 richest soccer clubs in the World today.

Top 3 Greatest Catches The Nfl Has Ever Witnessed

In a football scoreboards feature, we take a look at the 3 biggest catches in NFL history. It is difficult to dub a particular game as the greatest ever played in NFL history, but some games are extremely close and are balancing on a knife’s edge. It is often such games, when a player pulls off a remarkable play, that become etched into everyone’s memory.

American football is all about ability, agility and the courage to take risks when your team needs it the most. For certain positions, a big part of football is catching the ball, sometimes from right under the opponent’s nose. Here are the 3 players that displayed the full extent of their ability and courage to snatch the ball in the most difficult of situations:

The 3 Nfl Players With The Worst Career Ending Injuries

In a football scoreboards feature, we look back at the most infamous and brutal injuries the NFL has ever witnessed.
It is a loss beyond words for a professional athlete when his or her career comes to a sudden end due to an injury he/she suffered on the field or on the court. Among all the professional sports, football is probably the most brutal contact sport in the world. Injuries are second nature to the game; it is like a right of passage for all football players to go through and get injured while on the field.

The Greatest Baseball Brawl Ever

In a baseball scoreboards, feature, we look at the most infamous brawl ever to have occurred in the MBL. It is said that every sport is played with equal measures of skill and passion for the game, but what happens when the level passion gets too high? This has happened on more than one occasion in baseball. Around 26 years ago, in a particularly famous incident, there was a game in which a lot more passion than skill was shown off. The end result was one of the greatest baseball brawls ever.

Kobe Bryant Vs. Michael Jordon – Is There Even A Comparison?

In a basketball scorboards feature, we look and compare the legend of the past Jordon, with the legend of the present Bryant. For starters, let us begin by acknowledging the fact that nobody can compare to Michael Jordon, more commonly known as His Airness, in terms of the boost he gave to the games popularity, and how he completely transformed how the game was played. However, that being said, someone someday had to become good enough to be worthy of comparison with Michael Jordan. Kobe Bryant seems to have reached the point where we can all admit grudgingly that “Yes, there might just be a comparison!”

Top 5 NFL Jersey Sales – The Fans Have Spoken

In a football scoreboards feature, we look at the most popular players in the NFL. We always hear who the top NFL players are, but these assessments are based on the the statistical analyses of the players only on the field. However, these analyses do not always reflect what the fans think about the players.The top players, according to the fans, are not necessarily the players with the best statistics, and are more based on their off and on field performances and personalities. So how can we find out who the fans really consider to be the best? The answer to this is quite simple yet ingenious at the same time: the top NFL jersey sales!

The Top 5 Soccer Clubs In Europe

In a soccer scoreboards feature, we take a look at the best clubs in Europe at the moment.

Soccer is the most played and watched sport in the world. The European leagues are generally considered the best, and they attract the most coverted players, particularly the Spanish and English leagues. The top five soccer clubs in Europe are as follows:

The Top 5 Greatest Baseball Moments

In a baseball scoreboards feature, we look at the historical game of baseball, and some of its greatest moments. If you are a true, die hard baseball fan then you probably grew up watching the heroic and historic moments created by baseball players who not only made history, but became the history. There is one baseball player amongst these greats who will always stand out: Babe Ruth. He did not make history just once, but several times. There were other baseball players, as well, who left their mark on history. Here is the list of the top 5 historical baseball moments:

Do NBA players have all the control?

In a basketball scoreboards feature, we take a look at the dark side of the great game of basketball; player power. The individualistic nature of the game has now reached an extreme level, and the clubs, and fans are left suffering.

NBA players nowadays have more control than the management. They request their respective clubs to trade or not to trade them and the contracts means that their clubs have to bow down to their needs. The question is this..why are the players given this kind of power? Well, there is no obvious answer, other than the fact that today’s players are not only basketball players, but also celebrities off the court. They are in demand by big companies for endorsing their products and they are highly paid brand ambassadors.