The 5 Dirtiest Players In The Nfl

In a football scoreboards review, we list the five most downright nasty players currently plying their trade in the NFL.

Football is a game where the word sympathy does not exist. If a player of the opposite team is hurt, he will certainly not get any assurance from the other team on the field. Instead the team will take advantage of this and extract whatever benefit they can from it. Being dirty is allowed only up to an extent, and going beyond that line means that the player will be fined. The recent incident between Seymour and Ben shows that the Federation is still alive and takes action against such dirty players. Seymour, who is well known for his less than squeaky clean play was fined $25000. Such punishments, however, do not seem to be much of a deterent for the 5 players listed below:

The 3 Most Arrogant Soccer Players That The Fans Love To Hate

Soccer might have some great players, but it also has some bigheaded ones too! Some of the greats are hated by fans. They are disliked due to their attitude on or off the field, in particular due to their attitude to the fans. Fans quickly grow to hate them for two reasons, firstly for not performing and secondly for their behavior. So who are the most hated? Which players have egos bigger than their (already huge) wallets?! Here is the soccer scoreboards list of the top 3 most arrogant soccer players:

The top 10 shortest NBA players ever

Basketball is a game known for tall men. Very few NBA players are less than 6 foot and many of them are in the sevens! Sometimes it seems like height is an absolute prerequisite for basketball players to hit the big time, however, there have in fact been some very successfull players who were relatively short. Read on for a basketball scoreboards list of the ten shortest such players from the NBA:

The 5 baddest boys of the NBA past and present

Almost every game has some tough, dirty and downright bad players. These players want to win so desperately that they can forget about fair play or the value of team spirit. All they know is that they have to win. When they are out on the court they often get into fights with their opponents, they either push them or use their elbows to win the match, legally or illegally. Fans often hate these players for their behaviour (although some fans love them for it too!). Basketball scoreboards bring you some of the baddest boys that have played in the NBA over the years:

Top 4 Greatest Rivalries In Baseball

In a baseball scoreboards feature, we take a look at the 4 baseball rivalries that have truly got the fans and the players going!

Every team in each sport has at least one rival that can be termed as their true nemesis. In fact, sports would otherwise be extremely dull were it not for these rivalries. Team rivalries are perhaps most common among teams at the college level; and the rivalries in college football are legendary. However, stringent rivalries exist in almost all sports at the professional level as well. Baseball is one such sport, in which there are some rivalries that are so strong that they are almost bordering on hatred and can, perhaps, be potentially termed as a blood feud. Here is a list of the top greatest rivalries in baseball:

The Celtics And The Lakers: The Nba’s Most Intense Team Rivalry Of All Time.

In a basketball scoreboards feature, we look at the biggest and most exciting rivalry in the NBA!
NBA basketball is an extremely intense game with a large number of equally intense rivalries. This rivalry often occurs when there are two great players in each team, and then fans get to see a great matchup between the two. The NBA’s most intense team rivalry has been and still is between the Los Angeles Lakers and Boston Celtics. This rivalry started when the basketball scoreboards showed that they met for the first time on 9th November 1948. The Boston Celtics’ hall of famers includes Larry Bird, Bill Russell and Bob Cousy. The Los Angeles Lakers’ hall of famers includes Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul Jabbar and James Worthy.

The Top 4 Best Baseball Players Who Were On A Roid Rage

In a baseball scoreboards feature, we look at a dark side of the game of baseball, and recall the 4 moments that gave baseball fans their biggest ever shock.

Steroid abuse is a menace in all kinds of sports. Players, in an effort to get that, proverbial, extra mile or the extra edge over other players resort to pumping their bodies full of steroids. Steroids are drugs that include testosterone, which when taken in this artificial manner makes the players more aggressive and strong. Increasing your strength and aggressiveness by taking drug supplements is strictly forbidden in all sports, not to mention unethical, because a sport is about the raw ability and talent of each player. Artificially enhancing your strength leave the other players at an unfair disadvantage.

The Best 5 Point guards in the NBA

A point guard in NBA is also known as the play maker or the ball handler because he is responsible for controlling the ball and taking care that the ball reaches the right players at the right time. Point guards in basketball are required to understand and follow their coach’s plan and execute it. A point guard is responsible for knowing which player is in a position to score and for executing the perfect pass to him. He is the coach on the field and distributes the ball to the players. A point guard is evaluated on the basis of the number of assists rather than how many scores he has. Here are the best point guards in the NBA today.

The NFL’s Top 4 Defensive Players in 2010

It is essential for a team to have a strong defense and at times the defense is even more important than the offense, and on many occasions teams with a weak offense but a brilliant defense have gone on to win the toughest of matches. With the sport getting more and more brutal each year, a defensive player’s strength and ability may be the thing that separates the team from a win or a loss. With 2010 almost over, we have written a special football scoreboards review of the top defensive players this season. Below is the list of the top defensive players of the NFL this year.

The Nfl’s Top Paid Players

In a football scoreboards feature, we talk about the not well known fact about NFL players’ pay, and listed the top 4 best paid players in the game at the moment.

Among all the excitement and drama that follows a professional sports player around, none of it is perhaps more interesting for the fans to gossip about than the contract their favourite player has just signed and how many 0’s (zeros) are involved.