American Airlines Center offers 1080 HD Display for Fans

We are in an era where technology is moving faster than the average consumer can keep up. There is one area that surpasses all others in the demand for high tech: sports. The nation’s sports fans are insatiable for bigger, better, flashier and brighter. The American Airlines Center in Dallas Texas is quite aware of the demand and is surpassing all expectations with the recent installation of their new 1080 high definition replay and video system. This is part of their continued effort to live up to the promise they made to fans to offer the best in technology.
Fans of the Dallas Stars and Dallas Mavericks will be participants in viewing the new scoreboard that boasts a 300 percent scoreboard increase in resolution in their two video displays. This unique system is setting the bar high for stadiums and is a new generation in both visual and audio for the fans. Quality LED technology offers brighter, clearer pictures so that even the most remote fan in the stadium can see what’s happening.
Two video displays are planned for each end of the stadium and JBL speakers will top the presentation, which rivals those that are heard in music concerts. LED displays will offer a 360-degree view called the ribbon board, which will give the fans high res graphics as well as game information and replays.
People are accustomed to high definition in their homes and the people at American Airlines Center want to give their sports fans an experience that is even more over-the-top. Watching a game in today’s at-home theatre will be quite tame as compared to attending in real time. The presentation will be a 360 degree view with instant replays and statistics that are literally on-demand. Fans can see high res graphics, animations and game information like no other. The purpose is to give attendees a reason to get off the couches and come to the extravaganza at the American Airlines Center. The installation is scheduled to meet the requirements for the NBA All-Star 2010 games, but will continue throughout the over 175 venues per year, including family entertainment, concerts and sports. Vendors and advertisers see the benefits of this crowd-drawing technology and are lining up to be part of the show.
This presentation is causing stadiums and venues across the country to step-up-to-the-plate to compete. Gone are the days of the slower moving and small electronic scoreboards. Even the LED’s of a few years ago are old-fashioned now. Fans are going to begin to expect this kind of high tech resolution and sound at every sports event and concert. Scoreboard manufacturers are erasing their whiteboard of projects and scrambling to add the biggest and the best to the project list. While the American Airlines Center may be ahead of the curve for the moment, technology just moves too fast; so who knows what next season will bring. The next ten years are going to be an incredibly exciting time as we enter the total entertainment experience.