How exciting is a new high school electronic scoreboard? VERY!

There is probably nothing more devoted than a community member to their local high school sports teams. Whether a parent or teacher, we seem to be more involved in the sports events than often the national leagues. Every aspect of the games work their way into our daily lives: fund raisers, ticket sales, and above all – going to the games. So when the local high school needs a new electronic scoreboard, this brings our attention to the forefront.
You might think a scoreboard is a small consideration. Au contraire. In this day and age of fan participation, sponsorship and advertising, the quality of the scoreboard is now front and center compared only to the topic of the field itself. The investment process must take into play various factors: indoor or outdoor board, size, visual quality, audio additions, colors and advertising opportunities. Each of these areas will affect the overall success and must be appealing to the fans. When the topic of a new electronic scoreboard is being discussed at the local high school, everyone in the town becomes part of the conversation.
The electronic scoreboard must also be multi-functional. Today’s high definition and high quality scoreboards must also have the ability to support events other than just sports. Every event that is held at the high school will require the scoreboard to participate. The most recent scoreboards substitute as pure entertainment, offering streaming video, electronic updates, concerts and replays. They must also have the ability to work within the confines of the needs of the stadium or field. All fans must be able to see and hear everything in crystal clarity.
Today’s high school sports attendees have higher requirements than even five years ago. Almost everyone has a smartphone and will be taking pictures and videos to send to friends and family, as well as posting on their social media pages.
Typically, members are selected to begin the investigation process. The members are people of the community, parents, teachers and business owners. They may also include some of the big sponsors that will be expecting big things from their dollar investments. The local newspaper usually carries a number of stories on the topic of the electronic scoreboard, because, in the local arena, this is big news.
A lot of time is put into the selection of just the right scoreboard to accommodate the school needs. Additional members of the school and community are brought in, to begin the process of getting the word out. Everyone rallies in the town for fundraisers and donations. The installation process of the scoreboard is usually fairly fast. But when the time comes for the big day of the unveiling, everyone in the town joins in the celebration.
The date for the ‘grand presentation’ of the scoreboard is usually set for one of the school’s more popular play off games, and attendance is always high. You see, this is a very big event for a community. A new scoreboard represents and reflects on the team and ultimately, the school and the town. Excellence in a scoreboard can spur a team on to victory as well as show the pride that a community holds for their home teams.